About Zonta Club Of Mankato
Zonta Club of Mankato: Deep roots in the Mankato area, and supporting women locally and globally.
Zonta Club of Mankato was chartered in September 1974. Initially the club's membership was older women from traditionally administrative careers. Over the years, membership has diversified across generations, from college age to retirees, and careers. Although guided by the international organization, the members put their own special stamp on the Mankato club, reflecting the membership and community.
Service is a core focus of the group, along with friendship and community. In recent years we have added a learning component to our activities, with our co-sponsorship of Conversations That Matter, which invited respectful conversation about a wide range of topics from self-care to the journey of transgender members of our community.
The club is very generous and sponsors yearly scholarships for girls and women in local high school and college programs. These scholarships have impacted numerous young women in southern Minnesota as they continue their education.
Zonta Club of Mankato is a welcoming and vibrant organization that is open to women and men who want to serve their community. One member sums it up when she refers to Zonta Club of Mankato, “as fun with a purpose.”
Member Spotlights
Members of Zonta Club Of Mankato come from different backgrounds and are pursuing different career and personal goals. All are welcome and invited to share their talents, interests, and unique perspectives.